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SAM 0810


Fortunately, the situation in Beit Jala/Bethlehem is still relatively safe. The operational work and care provision still can be continued. This concerns the 24/7 care in the Helena building and the day care in the Eber building. Under the inspiring leadership of Lana, new initiatives are being developed: refurbishment of Eber, new epoxy products, new olive wood products, theme days, animal therapy workshops, guest lectures at university and schools.

SAM 0810


In general, the situation in Beit Jala/Bethlehem is still relatively safe, life is working quite normal. This may be different in the evening and at night, but then residents, visitors and staff are safely at home. Fortunately, the operational work and care provision can be continued.

Jemima nieuws

In memoriam - Ed Vollbehr

‘Wees dan barmhartig, gelijk uw Vader barmhartig is’  (Lukas 6:36)  Met ontroering hebben we kennisgenomen van het overlijden van  Ed Vollbehr op 15 september, in de leeftijd van 76 jaar. Samen ...

Operatie david news jemima

Operatie David

David is ongetwijfeld de meest bekende bewoner en tevens helper in Jemima. David is al vaak in Nederland geweest en heeft spreekbeurten gehouden, want hij spreekt Arabisch, Engels en Nederlands. ...

Jemima i loved my job news

I loved my job

I loved my job despite the daily responsibilities I had to take, and with all the difficulties I faced daily I never complained. In very difficult situations I had to make incredibly difficult ...

Jemima (2)

Corona virus ook in Behtlehem!

Het Corona virus heeft ook Bethlehem bereikt! Israël heeft al verordend dat reizigers uit Duitsland, Frankrijk en UK niet meer worden toegelaten. Maar dit geldt (nog) niet voor Nederland. De ...

Photo 14 02 2020, 12 21 06 PM

Valentine's day 2020

Last Friday was Valentine's Day. Jemima celebrated this with employees and residents. Watch and enjoy this video report.

Nieuws indooractiviteiten jemima

Eber's Indoor Activiteit.

Onlangs heeft Eber een sportdag georganiseerd. Een ieder, de kinderen en de medewerkers, hadden een geweldige dag.

Jemima Adoptieprogramma Blog 6

Jemima helpt christenen in omgeving Beit Jala

Christenen in Bethlehem krijgen het steeds moeilijker. Ze hebben minder kans op een baan terwijl ze het al niet breed hebben. Veel gezinnen hebben geen inkomen meer en vertrekken. Huize Jemima ...

Jemima magazine 2020 nieuws jemima

Jemima Magazine 2020

Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van Jemima geven we een Glossy uit, een speciaal magazine over Jemima. In woord en beeld neemt journalist Riekelt Pasterkamp u mee naar Bethlehem.

Buitenlandstage israel jemima

Buitenlandstage in Bethlehem!

Stageopdracht voorontwerp klimaatconcept voor Jemima in Bethlehem, zo spoedig te beginnen en met een verblijf van drie maanden in Jemima

Nieuwsbrief nieuws juli 2019 jemima

Nieuwsbrief Juli 2019

Beste lezer, Wat is het heerlijk als in de zomer de zon schijnt! De zon geeft licht en  warmte. Wat kunnen onze kinderen er van genieten! De een zit mijmerend op een schommel en de ander ...

Waarom zoekt Jemima adoptieouders  1

Waarom zoekt Jemima adoptieouders?

In het christelijke Huize Jemima wonen 17 Arabische bewoner en jongvolwassenen die meervoudig beperkt zijn. We geven veel om deze bewoners en willen ze nog meer kwaliteit van leven bieden dan we ...


SAM 0810


Fortunately, the situation in Beit Jala/Bethlehem is still relatively safe. The operational work and care provision still can be continued. This concerns the 24/7 care in the Helena building and the day care in the Eber building. Under the inspiring leadership of Lana, new initiatives are being developed: refurbishment of Eber, new epoxy products, new olive wood products, theme days, animal therapy workshops, guest lectures at university and schools.

SAM 0810


In general, the situation in Beit Jala/Bethlehem is still relatively safe, life is working quite normal. This may be different in the evening and at night, but then residents, visitors and staff are safely at home. Fortunately, the operational work and care provision can be continued.

Jemima i loved my job news

I loved my job

I loved my job despite the daily responsibilities I had to take, and with all the difficulties I faced daily I never complained. In very difficult situations I had to make incredibly difficult ...

Nieuws jemima dagbesteding

Daily activities

Daily activities for the residents are offered in the Eber building. The children have their children’s groups and the adults have their own place in a workshop. Some 20 children from around ...

Jemima nieuws 13 2

Young Life Bethlehem

A few days ago a group of young people from Bethlehem visited Jemima to give the residents and the clients of EBER a nice afternoon. Thank you "Young Life Bethlehem".

Nieuws david is jarig jemima


David celebrates his birthday on 25 January. Do you know him? He is the host of Jemima's Inn. You can use Jemima's Inn for a low price. Book your stay now.

Home based intervention jemima nieuws

Home Base Intervention

Children with profound disabilities have their own possibilities for development. Using small signals, they communicate their needs. It makes a world of difference when the people around them ...

Jemima nieuws 24 08

Eber gets more color

The walls in EBER (Jemima's daycare and school) are provided with beautiful drawings. Lana Zoughbei (General Manager) has achieved this amazing result with friends. Take a moment to watch this video.

Nieuws salem jemima

Salem passed away

On August 7 Salem passed away. Today, a memorial service is held in the Eber building. On accompanying video an impression of the commemorative service.

Nieuws 5 7


 ‘House Jemima’ is located on a hill between Jerusalem and Bethlehem, in the village of Beit Jala. It is home to Arabic children and young adults living with intellectual or multiple disabilities....

Rasha in concert

Rasha in concert

Yesterday, June 12, 2017, Rasha gave a mini concert at the Jerusalem Conservatory of Hassadna. Rasha plays with her Jewish Orthodox teacher Deborah Schramm. Rasha has weekly pianoles in Jerusalem....

Nieuwsbericht jemima kezia 1999 2001

Kezia 1999 - 2001

In the period 1999-2001 Ernst and Lucie Grevers were Kezia's households. An apartment was rented in the center of Beit Jala. Ernst and Lucie lived there with seven young women. They worked ...


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