Thanks to my wife I was put on the 'track' of Jemima. The work of the chairman is on the one hand serving, on the other hand also leading. I hope to be able to give substance to this in the coming years, together with a very knowledgeable and hard-working board. I've been able to play in the background for a little over a year now, and that feels good. That the work of Jemima in Beit Jala may be done to the 'least brothers (and sisters)' (Mattheus 25) strikes me deeply. Precisely where peace is so difficult to find and achieve, it has been possible for almost forty years to give substance to this serving work of Christian mercy. That is why I also have deep respect for the founders of Jemima: Ed and Heleen Volbehr, and for the current employees and management of Jemima: Lana Zoughbei. And my wife and I have seen that this work is done with the heart. It may be 'easy work' in our eyes, but under difficult circumstances. Jemima in Bethlehem is like a little oasis.